Ready To Order?

If you have selected an item, noted its price*, and are ready to place an order, you may be looking for an Order Form on this Web site.

There isn’t one!

We enjoy meeting potential customers in person, and so ask that you first call, fax, or email us about the item(s) you want. Once we hear from you, we can discuss —

  • Are the item(s) you want in stock?
  • What is their current price?
  • Then, your full address, with your choice of the UPS or FedEx service that will get your order to you when you want it. Would ground delivery be okay, or do you prefer the faster air-delivery options?
  • Your phone number is needed if there is any problem entering your credit card or security code. We also need the billing address for the card, if it is not your shipping address.
  • Does sales tax have to be added, if we are shipping to you within New York State?
  • It might be helpful for us both if we know your intended use. We might be able to suggest an alternative if a different choice might work better, or cost you less.
  • Please consider us a resource, not just as the obvious way to place an order.

To finally place your order,

Phone (212) 242-3737fax (212) 924-1243, or email

Jerry Bruck, President & "CEO" (Chief Engineer/Owner), Posthorn Recordings

*While a reasonable effort is made to keep the information shown on this Web site updated, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of every entry. The prices we show indicate the probable price of that item, but please do check its current price when placing your order.
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Most recent revision September 2, 2010